Information in English
All providers of organic products in Norway are certified by Debio. We ensure that farms and fish farms, processing and marketing enterprises, importers and others follow the regulations for organic production, and meet the requirements for marketing organic products under Debio’s Ø-label.
Debio’s Ø-label and import
The Norwegian Ø-mark is an organic label with high awareness and trust in Norway. Over 72 % of Norwegian consumers recognize the Ø-mark.
It can be applied to imported products that are certified by an accredited certification body in the country of origin and that are packed in final consumer packaging in a country outside of Norway, in agreement with Debio Marked AS.
Annual license fee
The annual license fee is calculated based on reported sales figures from the product owner for the previous year. You will report annually by January 31st with information about sales of products sold the previous year with the Ø-mark on a separate form in accordance with Debio's guidelines.
Annual general fee
8000 NOK excluding VAT
Annual license fee
0.3% excluding VAT
Do you want to use the Ø-mark?
Please send an application to with information about the products wish you want to apply the Ø-mark on, where and when they will be sold, the design of the new products with the placement of the Ø-mark and the most recent certificates from your accredited certification body.
If approved you will receive a licensing agreement for signature.
Do you have other questions, or do you need guidance? Please contact us!
Debio Marked
Relevant documents
Godkjente kontrollorgan i EU/EU control bodies
EU-kommisjonens side med oppdatert liste over kontrollorganer.
Organic Agriculture
Most of Debio’s services deal with the inspection of organic production in accordance with the Norwegian «Regulations on the Production and Labelling of Organic Agricultural Products». The inspection services are founded on an agreement with the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, and the regulation is based on the EU Council Regulation 834/2007. It covers farming, processing, import and marketing of organic agricultural products.
The guidance documents for the Norwegian organic agriculture and market are only in Norwegian, and are to be found here.
Are you considering organic production, contact us and we will help you.
Do you have questions regarding the agronomy of organic production, contact the Norwegian Agricultural Extension Office (Norsk Landbruksrådgivning),
Organic Aquaculture
Organic Aquaculture includes the farming of various fish species in freshwater, saltwater and brackish water. The standards cover salmonoids (salmon, trout, rainbow trout and char), perch, pikeperch and cod. Organic aquacultue is regulated through the EU regulations on organic production and labeling of organic products.
Debio’s labels for eating establishments
If you prepare and serve food for others, and wish to market your organic and sustainable food, you can make it visible using Debio’s organic labels or Ø label.
Organic label in the retail food sector
Stores and outlets that wish to make their organic and sustainable products visible, can do this using Debio’s organic labels.